
Blogs & Resources

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Student Blogs

Do Bacteria Flock Together? Unraveling the Hidden Coordination in Bacterial Communities

When we think of bacteria, illness or infections often come to mind. However, scientists are uncovering fascinating insights …

Faculty Blogs

Convergence of Digital Technologies & its Impact on Healthcare

Background: Digital health sector is one of the most promising areas in terms of global growth, reaching a …

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Student Blogs

The connection between the gut microbiome and the brain

Our elders have brought us up with a simple yet deeply ingrained learning that we are what we …

Joint Work of Talented Scientists
Student Blogs

An Overview of the Biopharmaceutical Industry from the Perspective of a Student

Biopharmaceutical companies are engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, anddistribution of therapeutical drugs. As of 2022, the global …

Don't Waste Your Time Concept
Student Blogs

Make Your Time Work For You!

“We don’t have time”- the most frequent dialogue, that can be heard from the students of Biocon Academy. …

Blue blood
Student Blogs

The Blue Blood: A Tale of Sacrifice

Have you ever stumbled upon a quote that you might relate someone to? The quote “You sacrifice the …

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Student Blogs

Like eating chocolates? Here’s the reason!

Imagine you are cozily lying on a bed with your favorite book in one hand while soothing music …

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Student Blogs

Quorum sensing – A smart networking system

Who do you think controls the world? Is it Homo sapiens? Well, breaking news, it’s the microorganisms that …

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Student Blogs

p53 – Guardian of Human Genome

Do you know 50% of cancers are caused by innate genes when mutations inactivate them? The best example …

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Student Blogs

Where are my ATPs???? Oh no, its BDQ (sounds awfully like barbeque!)

Some say it is a sleeping pandemic, some says its untreatable…. It’s one of the most difficult bacteria …